About the Journal
- Journal Title: Journal Integration of Management Studies
- Initials: JIMS
- Frequency: Biannual (June and December)
- Online ISSN: 2988-389X
- Editor in Chief: Kurnia Fajar Afgani, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- DOI:
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Journal Integration of Management Studies (JIMS) is an academic journal in business published by Integrasi Sains Media, Indonesia. This journal intends to foster and stimulate the exchange of scholarly thought on applied business research issues among professionals and academics worldwide. JIMS welcomes articles in all areas of sains management; both applied and theoretical. Theoretical articles must link theory and essential and exciting management applications. The JIMS is published annually in June and December. It only accepts and reviews manuscripts that have not been published previously (in any language) and are not being reviewed for possible publication in other journals. This journal is an open-access journal that can be of essential reading for academic researchers and business professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to marketing management, finance management, human resources management, strategic management, tourism management, entrepreneurship, and operational management.