Journal Integration of Management Studies
- Journal Title: Journal Integration of Management Studies
- Initials: JIMS
- Frequency: Biannual (June and December)
- Online ISSN: 2988-389X
- Editor in Chief: Kurnia Fajar Afgani, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- DOI:
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Journal Integration of Management Studies (JIMS) is an academic journal in business published by Integrasi Sains Media, Indonesia. This journal intends to foster and stimulate the exchange of scholarly thought on applied business research issues among professionals and academics worldwide. JIMS welcomes articles in all areas of sains management; both applied and theoretical. Theoretical articles must link theory and essential and exciting management applications. The JIMS is published annually in June and December. It only accepts and reviews manuscripts that have not been published previously (in any language) and are not being reviewed for possible publication in other journals. This journal is an open-access journal that can be of essential reading for academic researchers and business professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to marketing management, finance management, human resources management, strategic management, tourism management, entrepreneurship, and operational management.
Journal of Business and Neuromanagement
The Journal of Business and Neuromanagement (JBNEURO) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to exploring and disseminating cutting-edge research at the intersection of business, management, and neuroscience. This interdisciplinary journal aims to provide scholars, practitioners, and policymakers with a platform to exchange knowledge and insights on how neurobiological principles can inform and enhance business practices and management strategies.
The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers contributing to a deeper understanding of neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, organizational behavior, decision-making processes, leadership, and human resource management. JBNM seeks to foster innovation and promote evidence-based approaches to improve organizational performance and employee well-being by bridging the gap between neuroscience and business.
JBNEURO welcomes submissions from researchers and professionals worldwide, encouraging a diverse and inclusive dialogue that reflects the global nature of business and neuro-management studies.
Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development
- Journal Title: Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development
- Initials: JISSBD
- Frequency: Biannual
- Online ISSN: 2988-1137
- Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Nanang Ganda Prawira, M.Sn., Universitas Pendidikan IndonesiaÂ
- DOI:
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development (JISSBD) is an international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all social studies and business development fields. It publishes peer-reviewed articles and encourages an interchange between social studies and business researchers, educators, and managers. The journal has been published regularly since 2022, twice a year in the English language.Â
Authors, editors, and reviewers respect ethical behaviour standards when publishing a peer-reviewed article. Editors of the Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development vigorously promote research integrity and aim to prevent scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, and authorship problems. All submitted manuscripts are checked using Turnitin.
Our focus and scope are related to social and multidisciplinary studies. -
Journal of Consumer Studies and Applied Marketing
- Journal Title: Journal of Consumer Study and Applied Marketing
- Initials: JCSAM
- Frequency: Biannual
- Online ISSN: 2988-1404
- Editor in Chief: Raden Aswin Rahadi, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia [Scopus]
- DOI: 10.58229/jcsam
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Journal of Consumer Study and Applied Marketing (JCSAM) is an academic journal in the field of business published by Integrasi Sains Media, Indonesia. This journal intends to foster and stimulate the exchange of scholarly thought on applied business research issues among professionals and academics worldwide. JCSAM welcomes articles in consumer studies, marketing, and business; both applied and theoretical. Theoretical papers must link theory and essential and exciting business applications. The JCSAM is published annually in July and November. It only accepts and reviews manuscripts that have not been published previously (in any language) and are not being reviewed for possible publication in other journals. This journal is an open-access journal that can be of essential reading for academic researchers and business professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to consumer behavior, social media marketing, marketing strategies, supply-chain management, pricing policy, tourism management, and small-medium business.
Journal of Applied Psychology and Hypnosis
- Journal Title: Journal of Applied Psychology and Hypnosis
- Initials: JAPH
- Frequency: -
- Online ISSN:
- Editor in Chief: -
- DOI: -
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt delectus, nobis nemo odit magni iste accusantium consequuntur, eveniet debitis iure porro quaerat ullam maiores similique? Provident, magnam eligendi dolorum sed laboriosam, porro natus fuga atque et mollitia explicabo itaque quisquam vero ad corporis culpa, reprehenderit accusantium. Doloribus ea aut ducimus magnam sunt ullam, nesciunt assumenda illo molestias incidunt culpa fuga fugit earum beatae eos inventore maiores atque animi expedita, nemo architecto omnis eius, voluptatum tempora! Rem ea facilis corrupti quod. Omnis facere libero fugiat corrupti asperiores fuga harum debitis iure amet unde placeat nulla delectus hic vel sed necessitatibus, ipsum quis doloribus qui impedit eum iusto ea! Amet repudiandae corporis eaque aliquid reiciendis. Nesciunt harum voluptate totam quasi. Laudantium, explicabo.
Journal of Community Service and Student Work
The Journal of Community Service and Student Work (JCSSW) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to showcasing the innovative and impactful contributions of academics, students, and practitioners in community service. This journal serves as a platform for disseminating original research, case studies, and project reports highlighting the dynamic interplay between academic knowledge and practical application.
Our scope includes:
Community Service Projects: Detailed analyses and outcomes of community service initiatives led by academics, providing insights into the methodologies, challenges, and successes encountered in various community settings.
Student Work: Exemplary works from students, including projects undertaken during job training, internships, and other practical engagements, demonstrating the integration of theoretical learning with real-world application.
Practitioner Activities: Contributions from practitioners that illustrate best practices, innovative approaches, and successful strategies in community service and student training programs.
JCSSW aims to foster a collaborative environment where scholars, students, and practitioners can share their experiences, learn from each other, and contribute to advancing community service as a vital component of academic and professional development.
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Travel Management
- Journal Title: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Travel Management
- Initials: JTHTM
- Frequency: Biannual
- Online ISSN: 2987-0143
- Editor in Chief: Eko Susanto, Politeknik Negeri Bandung
- DOI:
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
The Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Travel Management (JTHTM) aims to publish interdisciplinary research that makes a clear contribution, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of tourism, travel, and hospitality. JTHTM strives to publish first-rate academic articles in fields of human endeavour related to the core areas of hospitality, travel, tourism, and leisure. We offer the opportunity to publish research that can facilitate academic exchange and analysis in the international scientific community using open-access publication as the vehicle. In a resource scare, coupled with the changing dynamics of tourism in a rapidly complex global society, the JTHTM seeks to answer questions around tourism, travel, and hospitality that inform public and private sector management, community development, policy and strategy development, and implementation, sustainability, and responsible behaviour amongst others.
Given the dynamic nature of the fields of hospitality, travel, tourism, and leisure, JTHTM also accepts articles in the related fields of tourism geographies, marketing, management, economics, business ethics, corporate governance, stakeholder management, operations management, entrepreneurship, food and nutrition, service quality, sustainability, and globalization. However, such articles should strongly link hospitality, travel, tourism, and leisure. -
Jurnal Terapan Pendidikan dan Strategi Pengajaran
- Journal Title: Jurnal Terapan Pendidikan dan Strategi Pengajaran
- Initials: JTPSP
- Frequency:
- Print ISSN: -
- Online ISSN: -
- Editor in Chief: -
- DOI: -
- Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita ducimus fugiat ad aut, non enim veniam aliquam accusantium quasi consectetur optio eveniet maiores aspernatur quod eligendi animi error cupiditate officia, dolorum, minus molestiae similique eum? Ipsam corrupti consequuntur quod maxime incidunt vero dolor impedit tenetur recusandae odit quae nobis reprehenderit in exercitationem, nulla iste sint velit placeat molestias dolorum.
Odio iusto nulla perspiciatis maxime alias repellat laudantium nihil recusandae non! Esse consequatur deleniti deserunt. Id reprehenderit minus ab non, rem labore eos quae quis voluptates sint facilis modi veniam, suscipit quas voluptate excepturi nam dolore corporis dolor. Non unde fuga dignissimos id rerum cum commodi delectus. Recusandae illum quia officiis a, aliquam ut suscipit aliquid magni. Inventore, magni? Porro, excepturi.