Integrating ESG Principles in Financing Practices at Clove Bank: A Literature Review


  • Tariska Rosseliny Nusantara School of Business Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Raden Aswin Rahadi School of Business Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung



ESG, Sustainable Financing, Green Financing, Indonesian Bank, Sustainable Framework


Globally important with consequences spanning boundaries is the problem of climate change. This is why the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) arranged the Paris Agreement in 2015, so establishing a worldwide framework meant to slow down and control climate change. Signing the Paris Agreement in 2016, Indonesia made a significant progress in its dedication to climate change problems. Indonesia made an increased Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, and long-term plans underline a diverse approach meant to be towards significant climate action.


As part of Indonesia's transition efforts, financial institutions are considered to have a major impact on the creation of a Net Zero Emission Indonesia by 2060, which in practice requires significant financial support. As a result, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), the regulator of financial institutions in Indonesia, has mandated the adoption of sustainable financing practices across financial institutions. This study focuses on Clove Bank, Indonesia’s largest transactional bank, which holds significant influence in the nation’s economic landscape.


This research aims to derive a conceptual framework that can be used to asses Clove Bank’s sustainable financing practices, leveraging its unique position to contribute to Indonesia’s climate change goals. A structured literature review was conducted to identify key aspects critical to the implementation of sustainable financing. The findings underscore the need to evaluate both internal capabilities and the supporting external environment.


The results not only establish a comprehensive framework for Clove Bank but also offer a foundation for broader applications across the financial sector. The uniqueness of this study is that there are still few studies on the implementation of sustainable finance in Indonesia, so this study can fill the gap. For future research could explore additional dimensions or case studies to further enhance sustainable finance implementation strategies.



Keywords:  ESG, Sustainable Financing, Green Financing, Indonesian Bank, Sustainable Framework


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How to Cite

Nusantara, T. R., & Rahadi, R. A. (2024). Integrating ESG Principles in Financing Practices at Clove Bank: A Literature Review. Journal Integration of Management Studies, 3(1), 9–15.

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