Credit Scoring Modelling For Corporate Banking Institutions
Financial Ratio, Credit Rating, Corporate Banking, Credit ScoringAbstract
This research aims to build a credit scoring modeling simulation of bank corporate loans. The credit scoring model is used in assessing creditworthiness in credit decisions. This model determines whether or not a company is eligible for the corporate credit facility it proposes. Observations were made of 100 companies included in the list of Kompas100 Index formers on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that have the potential to apply for loans/credits to Bank Financial Institutions (IKB) in optimizing the corporate capital structure through bank debt facilities in the period 2022. Analysis was conducted on five financial aspects consisting of 14 research variables, including (i) liquidity aspects, including current ratio and quick ratio variables; (ii) solvency aspects, including debt asset ratio and equity ratio variables; (iii) profitability aspects including return on net assets, operating profit ratio, price to earnings ratio variables, (iv) activity aspects including total asset turnover, accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, current assets turnover, and (v) growth aspects including operating income growth rate, total assets growth rate, and operating profit growth rate variables. The analysis tool uses Logistic Regression through an assessment conducted on the company's credit rating as a proxy for the dependent variable, worth one if the credit application is feasible and worth 0 if the credit application is not feasible with a cut-off point of 0.5. The results show that credit scoring modeling for corporate credit is significantly formed from liquidity (CR) and solvency (DER) aspects. Out of 61 companies classified as not eligible for credit facilities, 58 companies were classified correctly, and out of 39 companies classified as eligible, 29 companies were classified correctly. The overall percentage shows 68.0, meaning that the logistic regression model has an accuracy of 68%.
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Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 169/PMK.010/2015 Tahun 2015 tentang Penentuan Besarnya Perbandingan Antara Utang Dan Modal Perusahaan Untuk Keperluan Penghitungan Pajak Penghasilan. PMK No. 169/PMK.010/2015 ( Diakses pada 15 September 2023.