Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development 2025-03-07T02:16:56+00:00 Eko Susanto Open Journal Systems <div style="border: 2px #43C25F solid; padding: 10px; background-color: #e2e2e2; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li>Journal Title: <a href="">Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development</a></li> <li>Initials: JISSBD</li> <li>Frequency: Biannual</li> <li>Online ISSN: 2988-1137</li> <li>Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Nanang Ganda Prawira, M.Sn., Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia </li> <li>DOI: <a href=""></a></li> <li>Publisher: Integrasi Sains Media</li> </ol> </div> <p><strong>Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development (JISSBD)</strong> is an international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal aiming to promote and enhance research in all social studies and business development fields. It publishes peer-reviewed articles and encourages an interchange between social studies and business researchers, educators, and managers. The journal has been published regularly since 2022, twice a year in the English language. </p> <p>Authors, editors, and reviewers respect ethical behaviour standards when publishing a peer-reviewed article. Editors of the Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development vigorously promote research integrity and aim to prevent scientific misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, redundant publication, and authorship problems. All submitted manuscripts are checked using Turnitin.<br /><br />Our focus and scope are related to social and multidisciplinary studies.</p> Work-Life Balance and Its Role on Employee Performance in Public Sector: A Study in Public Universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya 2024-11-03T06:28:55+00:00 Roseline Mwikali Ngela Mary Kamaara <p class="05Abstrak">This study examines the impact of work-life balance on employee performance within public universities in Nairobi County, Kenya. In recent years, public universities have faced scrutiny due to declining revenues, yet limited attention has been paid to employee implications, specifically their work-life balance. Beyond compensation and rewards, maintaining a suitable work-life balance is essential for employee productivity and focus. However, the ongoing crises in public universities raise concerns about the degree to which work-life balance is supported and how this affects employee productivity. The study aimed to evaluate the adoption of critical work-life balance elements—flexible work arrangements, organizational support, employee well-being, and social support—within these universities and to analyze their relationship with employee performance. The theoretical foundation for this research rests on the resource-based view and dynamic capabilities theories. Utilizing a descriptive research design, the study focused on administrative staff across two public universities in Nairobi County. A sample of 356 administrative employees was selected through a sampling formula, and data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were employed to analyze the data. The findings indicate that the universities have not effectively adopted flexible work arrangements, organizational support, employee well-being initiatives, and social support, which are essential components of work-life balance. Furthermore, these components were found to influence employee performance significantly. The study concludes that the inadequate implementation of work-life balance practices has adversely impacted employee performance in these institutions. Consequently, the study recommends that public universities enhance employee work-life balance by implementing flexible work options, improving employee well-being programs, and strengthening organizational and social support structures to bolster employee performance.</p> 2024-11-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development School Principals’ Strategic Planning Competences And Their Influence On Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Makueni County, Kenya 2024-11-25T07:57:48+00:00 Killian Muendo Sila Mukirae Njihia <p>This study investigates the impact of strategic planning competencies on the academic performance of public secondary schools in Makueni County, Kenya. Specifically, it examines how principals' competencies in human resource planning, technology integration, school culture alignment, and strategic direction-setting influence academic outcomes. Grounded in the contingency theory of leadership, the study employs a descriptive research design. The target population included 385 public secondary schools in Makueni County, with principals and teachers as key respondents. A 10% sampling threshold was applied, resulting in a sample of 39 schools. School principals were purposively selected, while 368 teachers were randomly sampled using a structured formula. Data were collected via questionnaires for teachers and interview guides for principals and analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The findings indicate that human capital development is a critical strategic competency among school principals that significantly enhances academic performance. Furthermore, principals' ability to leverage ICT positively affected academic outcomes. School culture alignment emerged as another essential competency, impacting the schools' overall performance. Additionally, the ability of school principals to set a clear strategic direction was found to play a significant role in achieving academic success. The study concludes that poor academic performance in Makueni County’s secondary schools is closely associated with deficiencies in principals' strategic planning competencies, particularly in areas such as human capital development, ICT integration, strategic direction-setting, and school culture alignment. The study recommends that school principals enhance their strategic planning skills to improve academic performance.</p> 2024-11-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development Utilizing AI In Indonesia's Financial Sector: Strategies For Inclusive Economic Development 2025-03-07T02:16:56+00:00 Raden Aswin Rahadi Kurnia Fajar Afgani Dzikri Firmansyah Hakam Yudo Anggoro Alfred Boediman Gun Gun Indrayana Eko Susanto <p>The paper explores the revolutionary potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Indonesia's financial ecosystem, highlighting its capacity to improve operational efficiency, foster financial inclusion, and tackle specific socio-economic concerns. This study emphasizes Indonesia's varied demographic and digital environment, illustrating how AI-driven innovations like decentralized finance (DeFi), predictive analytics, and blockchain integration transform financial products to cater to disadvantaged people. This study utilizes over 20 scholarly publications and international case studies to highlight the strategic significance of promoting ethical AI practices, mitigating algorithmic bias, and closing infrastructural and talent disparities to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The results support implementable methods, such as public-private collaborations, strong regulatory structures, and AI-driven individualized financial solutions, to optimize the advantages of digital transformation in Indonesia's financial industry. Future research must emphasize empirical investigations into AI's capacity to mitigate financial inequalities and stimulate regional innovation, thereby establishing Indonesia as a frontrunner in AI-facilitated economic transformation.</p> 2025-03-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Integration of Social Studies and Business Development