Does Pop Culture Trend Drives Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention? A Case Study of the Squid Game Movie Series on Dalgona Candy


  • Marsha Rachmanda Putri magister student
  • Atik Aprianingsih Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Jovanska Arfianda Imran Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen, Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Rahmat Ridlo Aminuddin Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen, Institut Teknologi Bandung



Pop Culture Trend Theory, Purchase Intention, Brand Awareness, Dalgona Candy, Multiple Regression


This study investigated the inclination between the pop culture trend of squid game movies to Dalgona candy purchase intention. The statistical population includes millennials familiar with Korean drama and those who watched the Squid Game movie series in particular. 130 people were selected by random sampling to respond to a research questionnaire. Variables were analyzed by multiple regression analysis using validity and reliability measurement through Cronbach's alpha from SPSS and RStudio to find the intercept between brand awareness and trend theory variables. Findings stated that both variables positively impact Dalgona Candy Purchase Intention. However, The variable of Trend Theory does not have a significant impact on Dalgona Candy Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, brand awareness is not the key to purchase intention despite having a positive effect.


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How to Cite

Rachmanda Putri, M., Aprianingsih, A., Imran, J. A., & Aminuddin, R. R. (2023). Does Pop Culture Trend Drives Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention? A Case Study of the Squid Game Movie Series on Dalgona Candy. Journal Integration of Management Studies, 1(1), 31–40.


